Centralised Business Services

Harnessing the power of teams to ensure effective use of resources and consistently high-quality business support services, enabling our academies to focus on what matters most: providing high-quality education to every student.

Human Resources

The HR team provide comprehensive strategic support to all our academies within the Trust. We are dedicated to fostering positive, efficient and compliant service ensuring that staff and leadership teams have the tools and resources they need to succeed.

The team plays a pivotal role in aligning people strategy with the Trust’s values and strategic objectives. From recruitment and talent management to employee relations, professional development, well being and payroll, we are here to support every step of the employee life-cycle. We are also committed to providing ongoing professional development and fostering a collaborative, inclusive culture across all our schools.

For prospective academies considering joining our trust, we offer a proven track record of expertise and a seamless integration process, ensuring that your staff receive the support they need to thrive.

Download HR organisation structure 

Our HR teams provide the following key functions:

Each Academy is supported by a  qualified and experienced HR professional. With a regular onsite presence, the HR Business Partner will work closely with Academy Leadership teams and will be on hand to support staff locally when needed.

The HR Services Team provide effective and timely administration of all transactional HR services across the Foundation. Our friendly, proficient and experienced team support in all recruitment, contracts management, performance review cycles, training, payroll and pensions.

Payroll is provided by a mix of dedicated in-house team who manage the service provided by the Foundation’s payroll provider, Payescape.



